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1.1 VIGILON - FIRE ALARM CONTROL PANELS. 1 to 2 loop Vigilon Compact Fire Alarm Control Panel. EN54 parts 2 & 4. Part Nos: Compact-24-N (1 loop Vigilon EN54 Vigilon 4/6 loop control panel based. Fire detection and alarm system. Vigilon Fire System. GENT 2010. Designed to EN54 Pt 2 & 4. Healthy. EN54 Vigilon 4/6-loop control panel / Network node. Fire detection and alarm system. Vigilon Fire System. GENT 2009. Designed to EN54 Pt 2 & 4. Healthy. Vigilon COMPACT. Fault. System Fault. Power Fault. Test. Fire. Power. Disablement. Verify. Vigilon Compact Fire System. GENT 2003. Designed to EN54 Pt 2 & 4. Verify. Disablement. Sounder. Vigilon Compact Fire System. GENT 2015. Designed to EN54 Pt 2 & 4. Panel healthy. 15:45. Active. Fault/Dis. Fire Routing O/P The VIG-LPC-EN from the extensive range of Gent products is a Vigilon Loop Card (EN54). It allows for up to 100 EN54-23 sensor-sounder-strobes on a 2kmCertified to EN54 parts 2 and 4 Vigilon may be supplied with or without an on-board printer and has a full Qwerty style keyboard allowing full control and instructions for the Vigilon 4-6 loop panel The Control panel complies with the requirements of EN54-2 : 1997. Vigilon Fire SystemGENT 2015. EN Vigilon Compact VA 2-loop panel. EN 54 Parts 2, 4 & 16. - a Legacy panel. Interface Units. The following interface units are LPCB approved. Indicators Message display Outer door Fault Fire 15:45 Verify Power Fault System Fault Vigilon Fire System Sounder GENT 2009 Designed to EN54 Pt 2 & 4 CB253

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